All About Meal Planning

The main goals of meal planning are to save time, money, and effort while making sure that meals are balanced, nutritious, and aligned with your personal dietary goals or preferences. Nutrition is such an important part of overall health and wellness and can affect...


What is a SMART goal? SMART goals are used as a foundation for setting and achieving your goals effectively! SMART is an acronym. It stands for: Specific: a clear definition of what you want to accomplish Measurable: establish some ways to measure progress to be able...

The Four Pillars of Health

In the realm of health coaching, we often refer to the “four pillars of health” – sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. These pillars are essential components in maintaining both physical well-being and emotional happiness. Let’s dive...

An Introduction to the Wellness Wheel

The wellness wheel is a tool that we can use to assess health in all dimensions. A common misconception about health is that it is based solely on physical fitness. Personal health is more complicated than that! The eight dimensions of the wellness wheel are...

Health coaching FAQs

What is a health and wellness coach? I am your partner in change. We work together to clarify what you’re wanting for yourself and create a plan to get you there. What do we talk about during a coaching session? We talk about you! Some common areas include: stress,...

My coaching philosophy and approach

My coaching philosophy and approach Over the last decade I have supported hundreds of clients in imagining, building and living their healthiest lives. I use the best evidence-based practices around to support behavior change that LASTS.  Much of my experience is with...

What happens during a coaching session?

 What happens during a coaching session? A coaching session is focused on YOU – your values, hopes, and dreams. Together, for 50 minutes, we imagine your ideal future. Using this big picture, we will co-create a plan to get you there. In one of our first...

What is health coaching?

What is health coaching? According to the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching: Health & wellness coaches support clients in activating internal strengths and external resources to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle behavior changes. Health coaches...